
Last week we talked a little about gambling addictions, which is just one of many forms that addiction can take. This week we want to take a step back and talk about addiction in general.

Addiction is a health condition that is treatable, but is not curable. It is a lifelong challenge faced by those who live with it. Addiction is not a weakness. It is not a lack of willpower. It is a health condition, one that can sometimes co-occur with other mental health conditions.

While many people think of substance abuse when they think of addiction, that is just one type. There are also a host of behavioral addictions as well such as addictions to work, sex, gambling, exercising, dieting, shopping. Sometimes these are viewed in a different light from substance addictions, with some using terms like ‘workaholic’ interchangeably for someone who is a hard worker.

Any type of true addiction, whether addiction to a substance or to a behavior, is defined by an inability to easily stop. It becomes a problem when it starts to interfere with daily life. This can look like someone having trouble managing their time because of an addiction, someone who has money problems created by addictions, someone whose personal relationships suffer because of addiction, etc. And someone who stops suddenly may experience withdrawal symptoms.

There is not a singular known cause of addiction, although many factors can play a role. These include genetics, environment, and the existence of other mental health conditions. Some might be at higher risk for addictive behavior, such as those who had family members with similar addictions.

While there is no cure, there are treatments. Peer support, support groups, talk therapy, and medications are some of the tools that are available. And if addiction is something you feel you are struggling with, know that help is available. If you don’t know where to look, you can start by reaching out to The LegalMind Society for help through our support programs.


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Gambling and the Law