Support Programs
We all need a little help and support sometimes. There is no shame in asking for help. We are a social species, help is how we survive. It is how we thrive. It is okay to not be okay. We’ve been there, too, and we can help.
The LegalMind Society has two ways to get support. One is our Raising the Bar support group, and the other is through individual sessions. Both services are free and will be led by a trained peer recovery specialist.
The Raising the Bar Support Group is offered by the LegalMind Society and is an opportunity for lawyers living with mental illness to connect with one another. No one should have to face mental illness alone.
Individual sessions are conducted via DoxyMe, a HIPAA-compliant telehealth service that allows you to receive direct support from a trained peer specialist who knows what it is like to live with a mental illness while pursuing a career in the legal field.
As a reminder, however, a peer specialist is not a therapist or psychiatrist. While we can support you if you are looking for a therapist or a psychiatrist, we are not a substitute for those services.
You can schedule a 1-1 session or register for a group session below, or email for more information.
Choose below for a 1-1 Support Session or our Raising the Bar Support Group.