What is Going On With SSRIs?
What is fact and what is fiction when it comes to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)? We take a look.
A Day for Love and Self-Care
A day to recognize the love in your life is important. Yet it is equally important to take time to love yourself.
Uncertainty in Politics
Anxiety about our political climate is high right now, but there are things you can do to manage that anxiety.
Trauma in the Courtroom
A look at how the practice of law can cause trauma for some. And more importantly, what you can do about it.
New Year’s Resolutions
We have some tips to help with any New Year’s resolutions you might have.
Finding Calm in Uncertain Times
Uncertainty in the world can make it hard to feel grounded. We have some tips to help.
Setting Goals
Goal setting can be important for short and long-term success, but before you begin we have some tips.
Telling Your Story
Sharing your story can be scary, but it can also be therapeutic. And it can share one of the most important things in any mental health journey. Hope.
Asking for Help
Asking for help might not come naturally to legal professionals, but it once came us to easy as a species. As a profession we need to get better about asking for help.
Spooky Season Shouldn’t Be Stigmatizing
Mental illness isn’t a costume. It isn’t something that can be taken off. And for many, the only mask is the one they use to try to hide their mental illness because of stigma.
Mental Illness and Violence
Mental illness is not a cause of violence. Instead, those with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violent crime.