Contagious Emotions
We have heard plenty over the last two years about contagious agents. However, COVID and other viruses aren’t the only things that are contagious. Emotions can be contagious too.
You’ve probably heard someone’s smile or laugh described as contagious. Conversely, we all know what it is like when someone comes into the office in a bad mood and seems to bring the whole staff down. These things happen because humans are social creatures and part of how we connect with one another is by mirroring emotions with those around us. Often, this can happen subconsciously.
And the danger that this can create, is that when one person in a firm is in a negative head space, others might pick up on that and inadvertently get dragged down too. However, the opposite can be true too. One person coming into the office sharing positivity and gratitude can brighten someone’s day, just as long as you aren’t too braggy when it comes to sharing your positive news.
In fact, I think (even though I have no evidence to support this) that the collective mentality of not asking for help, even when we are struggling, might be one of the reasons why those in the legal field struggle so much with their mental health. We spread our silence and we spread our darkness, even without realizing it.
So when you notice someone in your office being a bit out of sorts, maybe a bit isolated, smiling and engaging them might go a lot farther than you realize. They might even catch a smile and a bit of positivity themselves. And after the last two years, we call all use a bit of contagious positivity.