Impostor Syndrome
In the latest episode of the Let’s Not Kill All The Lawyers podcast, we talked a little bit about impostor syndrome. Since some of you might not have heard about it, we thought we’d talk about it a bit more.
Impostor syndrome is when you think that you are unworthy of your accomplishments, and that if people knew the real you they wouldn’t want you around. Sound familiar? If so, you aren’t alone.
When I was lining up for my law school graduation I was on the edge of a panic attack because I honestly expected them to come pull me out of line and tell me that my graduating was a mistake, that my very presence in law school was a mistake, that I should just go home because there was no way I was qualified to be there. You see, graduation wasn’t just the culmination of three years of law school, it was also the culmination of three years of impostor syndrome.
So, again, believe me when I say you aren’t alone. And there is some good news too. It can be managed. It can be beaten.
First, it helps to have support. A therapist can be the key that unlocks the mystery of your impostor syndrome. A recovery support specialist can be a guide and model for recovery. Opening up to friends and family can help too. The more we talk about it the more opportunities we create to push back on the false narrative that our mind creates.
Because you are valuable. You are worthy of good things. You deserve to leave the impostor syndrome at the door.
And we can help.