Seasonal Affective Disorder

With summer winding down, many have started looking ahead to the fall. And while there are many positive things to look forward to, some struggle with the shorter days and the return of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

We’ve talked about SAD before, and probably will again. While it might not be something that has set back into place for many, it is worth getting ahead of any possible SAD struggles. Too often we hear how it can sneak up on you, setting in before you’re fully ready for it. Having a plan for dealing with symptoms of SAD will help minimize its impact.

For starters, you can utilize UV lights and other substitutes for sunlight to bring some of the brightness back into your days. While there is no true substitute for the sunny days of summer, these tools can be convenient stand-ins.

You can also develop a self-care plan. What self-care looks like will be different for everyone, which is why having a plan that is as unique as you are can be such a powerful tool for dealing with the subtle symptoms of SAD. Some good things to think about putting in would be some type of physical activity and some connections with friends and family.

And of course, there are always resources available to help. Whether that is you seeking support from a therapist, or utilizing peer support services such as the one we offer here at The LegalMind Society, the end result can be a positive push back against the struggles of SAD. After all, we’ve been there too and we can help.


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