Stigma Drivers

We’ve talked about it plenty on this site and we talk about it plenty with individuals who first come to us for support. Mental health in general and mental health in the legal profession especially is burdened by the stigma that still surrounds the issue. And this week we wanted to take a look at some of the drivers of that stigma.

Stigma comes from several sources. Most significantly is the lack of understanding many still have when it comes to mental illness. Some may think of those living with mental illness as unpredictable or even dangerous when that is generally far from the truth. Roughly a quarter of all people will experience mental health challenges in their lifetime. Among attorneys that number is even higher. Yet we don’t see a quarter of the population causing chaos. Instead, too many people suffer in silence.

Within the legal profession, there is added stigma. Ours, after all, is a profession where mental acuity is important. Too many think that because someone lives with mental illness, they are incapable of thinking critically, incapable of being a zealous advocate for their client. Again, this is simply not true.

Mental illness may impact a specific area of one’s behavior, while leaving others in tact. I can think very logically about legal problems, yet the depression and anxiety might make it hard for me to get out of bed in the morning or be in a large crowd, all the while leaving my legal reasoning skill intact.

And the key to fighting the stigma is education. That is one of the reasons we are so open about mental illness. That is one of the reasons we include education as part of our mission. Because stigma may drive the mental health crisis in our profession, but we hope one day to drive the stigma away.




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