The Dark Days (of Daylight Savings Time) Are Here Again

This Sunday, we once again change our clocks, as we prepare for long winter nights and days where the daylight ends by 5 pm. And for some, this can be an added challenge for our mental health.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a where depression can be caused or exacerbated by the seasonal changes, often from summer/fall into winter. And the reduced hours of sunlight can play a big role in those dark days.

Yet there are things we can do to push back against the darkness. For starters, we can adjust our schedules to make the most of the sunlight we do have. We can also make our own sunlight courtesy of artificial UV lights. And most importantly, we can remember that we are not alone.

Sunlight isn’t the only thing that can be reduced during winter months. It can also lead to fewer opportunities to go out and connect with friends and family. Yet that doesn’t mean you are ever alone. We’ve been through the dark days of depression as well as the dark days of seasonal depression. And we can help.

So if you find your energy levels dipping with the ever elusive sun, be sure to email for information about our peer support programs. And stay tuned next week for more information about some new tools we will have to schedule a session.


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