Your AI Therapist

As AI continues to evolve, there is growing discussion about how to use this new tool. One idea is to have it help with online therapy.

Many might be opposed to this for a variety of good reasons. There might be concerns about protecting healthcare data or others might just feel weird about the idea of sharing their innermost thoughts with a computer. Professionals also worry it won’t have the nuance to fully help clients.

On the other hand, some scholars suggest that there might be some forms of therapy that would lend itself to AI. They also suggest that even if it doesn’t offer full therapy services, that perhaps it could help with intake, possibly triaging new clients to reduce the wait times of those facing the most critical need.

Ultimately, as with many discussions of AI, the right answer isn’t immediately clear. In the end, it may come down to individual preferences. While any tool that increases access to mental health care is obviously a good thing, there are potential drawbacks that must be considered.

Lastly, for any legal professionals who are concerned about the wait time they might be facing when it comes to traditional therapy, know that our peer services, while not a complete substitute for a traditional therapist, still exist free of charge and without wait lists. As always, you can email for more information.

And as we wrap up the final full week before Thanksgiving, allow us to wish you all a happy holiday week and safe travels if you are hitting the road in the coming days.


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