Golden Self-Care

It is hard to take a break from something you love, harder still if it is something you are really good at, and even harder still if others place expectations on you surrounding that activity. Yet that is exactly what Simone Biles did. And as anyone who has watched any of the Olympics knows, Simone has done pretty darn well for herself since coming back. If we change the culture of the profession, then the same can be true of practicing law.

I do not know first hand what Simone was feeling or thinking when she stepped away. Yet such actions are rarely the easiest. On the contrary, they typically require the most courage. And that is why I want to highlight someone who did so on the highest stage.

We need role models who demonstrate that it is okay to take a break in order to prioritize your mental health. This is true not only with athletes and other celebrities, but also with professional role models. As a profession, we have a higher than average rate of mental health struggles, including addiction and suicidal ideation. We need those who are willing to demonstrate that it is okay to take time to address those challenges. And as a profession we need to reward that, not penalize it.

Simone’s athletic talent made it so that she could return to the apex of her profession when she was ready. Yet no matter how good of a lawyer someone is, the same is not always possible if they choose to take a break for their mental health. Indeed, too many employers prioritize billable hours or network connections.

Hopefully, as a profession we can learn from Simone’s example and normalize taking breaks for one’s mental health if needed. Until then, The LegalMind Society is here to support legal professionals who are living with mental health struggles.


School is Back

