School is Back

From Kindergarten all the way up through colleges and law schools, the reality of school starting up again is here. Some schools have already started and others will be starting soon. And we have some tips for law students looking to boost their mental health.

First, for students who are just starting their 1L years, you are probably a bit nervous. I know I was. That is normal. Yet if you notice the anxiety of your new challenge impacting your diet, or your sleep, or some other aspect of your well being, know that it is okay to ask for help. Some schools have counselors or other wellness programs available. This is addition to other services like The LegalMind Society’s Peer Support Program and traditional therapy. These services can be important lifelines for 2Ls and 3Ls as well.

Also for 1Ls and seasoned students alike, know that there will always be more that you can do. More cases to read, more briefs to prepare, etc. An important skill is to know how to balance that work load with self care. It is important to be able to know when to put the books down and get some sleep.

Another tip for law students (seasoned lawyers could use this advice too) would be to find some non-law related activities to engage in. This will allow your mind a chance to reset in between briefing cases and chasing law review. For me, my escape from the workload of law school was pickup and intramural soccer with other law students and some of the undergraduates. Activities like this are good because they benefited physical health as well as mental health, but ultimately what works for you will likely be unique to you. Something that you can make all your own.

Lastly, know that it is okay to ask for help. I get the pressure cooker of being in law school, of being graded on a curve against your fellow students. I get the mentality of downplaying weaknesses. Yet as we are constantly stressing, asking for help is not a weakness. Taking care of yourself is more important than your studies (although taking care of yourself will also probably benefit your academic performance).

If you need help, either through peer support or help finding resources, know that we are here for you. Email to learn more.


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Golden Self-Care