Post Bar Blues

I passed the Massachusetts Bar Exam in 2015. I still have dreams of being in the test and being unprepared. Of failing the exam. Granted, they are few and far between these days, but in the days and weeks after the exam, I definitely had some post-bar blues.

And it makes sense that the anxiety stays even after the exam is over. You’ve probably felt like every waking minute should be spent preparing for this exam, and now that the exam is over you feel like you don’t know what to do with your sudden free time. Sometimes, like me, you’ll get the anxiety doubleheader and be anxious about what to do with your time, only to fill it by worrying about all the questions you think you missed on the exam and worrying what people will think of you if you fail.

But where does that worry get us? We can’t change our answers. We can’t change what people will think about us. But we can control our own actions.

Before the bar exam your schedule was likely study, then study, then study some more. Maybe you could even pencil in a little studying between those study sessions.

Afterward, it is important to find your own schedule. Maybe that schedule is starting a job. Maybe it includes an exercise routine. Maybe you put off rebuilding your post-exam schedule for a few days and take a trip somewhere to get your mind off being locked in a room for two days straight. The point is it is important to focus on yourself and how you can get past that anxiety.

And the LegalMind Society is here to help with that. As I said, I know the feeling of dealing with the post-bar exam blues. We’ve been there and we can help.


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