Changing How We Enter the Profession
The bar exam has been a source of significant anxiety for a long time. Change and hope might be on the horizon.
Changing the Culture
We will all benefit from a change in legal culture, and we should all be working towards that.
The State of Mental Health in the Legal Profession
The state of mental health in the legal profession is in trouble. But there is some cause for hope.
Is Mental Wellness Part of Practicing Law?
The concerning impact of a Fifth Circuit decision could impact attorneys seeking mental health support.
Understanding Burnout
Understanding burnout is a necessary first step towards recovering from burnout.
What is Trauma-Informed Care?
Understanding what trauma-informed care is and how it can help is an important step.
What is Recovery
Recovery can mean a lot of different things. Understanding what it means for you is important.
Why Peer Support Helps
Peer support is having someone who has found their way out of the dark before help you find the light.
What is Trauma?
Trauma can wear many different masks. We get that. We’ve been there. And we can help.
Light Pushing Away the Dark
Just as light replaces night and spring eventually replaces winter, the light will come again to push away the dark.
Holiday Deadlines
As holiday deadlines get tighter and tighter, it is important to make room in our busy schedules for self-care as well.
The Season of Giving Can Be The Season of Self-Care
The season of giving can have some real benefits for the giver as well.
Supreme Ethics
The conversation surrounding ethics needs to start at the highest Court in the land and lead the profession forward. This week’s ethics guidelines published by the Court fall short of that.
Lessons From Trump’s Trial
Angry judges don’t surprise some litigants. But that doesn’t mean that is how things should work.
The Dark Days (of Daylight Savings Time) Are Here Again
Changing the clocks can also bring about a change in our mental health. If that is the case, we can help.
Here We Are Again
Yet another tragic mass shooting and the conversation about mental health that should be happening (but isn’t).