Keeping Internal Peace When The World is on Fire
It is hard to feel centered with so many things going sideways around the world. These tips can help.
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week needs to be about not just raising awareness, but about continuing the conversation and finding solutions.
Seasons and SAD
Fall and winter can trigger the start of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). These tips can help.
Just Breathe
We all breathe. Maybe we can breathe better and take better care of ourselves.
Recovery Looks Different for Everyone
Recovery isn’t black or white. It is a unique journey that will be different for everyone. And recovery month is a good time to celebrate that.
Parity? Possibly
Recent proposed changes to mental health parity regulations are a positive step forward.
Let’s Talk About Suicide
Demons, it turns out, shy away from the light we shine on them. And suicide prevention and awareness does just that.
New Beginnings
Starting law school can be a stressful, anxiety-filled experience. We can help
Ethics in a Divided Country
Divided public opinion can have a sharp impact on the mental health of those in the legal profession. Focusing on what you can control in your own career can help shield you from that negativity.
Minority Mental Health Month
Working to end the stigma surrounding mental health in the law is not enough if we don’t acknowledge the stigma still embedded in too many minority cultures.
Minorities and Mental Health in the Law
How admissions offices handle diversity, especially in the wake of this week’s SCOTUS ruling, could have significant mental health impacts.
Anger in All the Wrong Places
Anger can be an important emotion when it shows up correctly. But too often it shows up in all the wrong places, which can set our recovery journies back a few steps.
Expanding Toolboxes
Finding the right tools is important, both for new hobbies and for self-care.
Long Weekend/Short Week
Long weekends are a break for many, but for legal professionals that isn’t always the case.
Emergencies Past and Emergencies Present
The COVID emergency might be officially over, but the mental health emergency being faced by the legal community is still going.