Giving Thanks
This might be the season of thanks, but that can be a challenge for many. Read more about how you can stay on a grateful track.
Boundaryless Boundaries
Boundaries are necessary tools when it comes to maintaining our mental health. This is true both personally and professionally.
The Blameless Causes
“Blame isn’t a tool in my recovery toolbox, and I don’t believe it should be one that you have in your toolbox either.”
The SAD Lawyer
Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, can make this a challenging time of year for many. But there are things you can do to manage the SAD.
What Isn’t Scary
Mental health challenges aren’t a costume that can be easily taken on and off, and it is long past time for us to stop pretending otherwise.
Mindfulness and Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness week isn’t just about educating others. It can also be about educating ourselves.
Impostor Syndrome
Impostor syndrome can have you feeling like you aren’t deserving of good things, like you aren’t yourself. We’ve been there and we can help.
The Lonely Lawyer
Ours is too often an adversarial profession staffed by individuals who need connection. And the result all too often are lonely lawyers who struggle in silence. We’ve been there, we can help.
Road Signs to Recovery
Road signs help us get where we are going, but they can also help keep us on the right road, the road to recovery.
Lawyers and Suicide
The stigma surrounding suicide increases its power. The more we talk about it, the more lives we might be able to save.
ACE Lawyers
ACEs, or adverse childhood experiences, can have lasting impacts in our adult lives. The LegalMind Society’s support can compliment a trained therapist and help address these issues.
Being A Recovery Support Specialist
Recovery doesn’t have to be a solo journey, a recovery support specialist can help.
Post Bar Blues
The exam is done, but your anxiety about it isn’t. We’ve been there and we can help.
Mental Health and Disciplinary Proceedings
Seeking support and treatment can be the key to not only a healthier life, but also one free from potential disciplinary concerns.
Staying Disciplined in Recovery
You’ve shown discipline to get to where you are today. Yet staying disciplined in recovery is something different, and sometimes our attorney-discipline gets in the way of our recovery discipline.
You Are What You Eat (And Drink)
Eating healthy and staying hydrated can go surprisingly far when it comes to managing your mental health.
Making Health a Habit
Developing healthy habits are hard work. But we can do hard things, especially if we break it down into easy steps.
Addictive Personalities
Addiction threatens more than just a lawyer’s career, it can also threaten their family and their life. However, support is available.